Requirements for New Members: A potential member must attend two meetings of the kennel club after turning in their completed application before the board can vote on membership; be sponsored by two Club members; and be in good standing with the American Kennel Club.
Membership Dues: Individual membership dues are $15 and Family membership dues are $25. Dues are payable after membership has been approved by the Board, and on the first of November thereafter. Lifetime members no longer are asked to pay membership fees.
Why become a member of the Montgomery Kennel Club? There are many benefits of membership! If you believe in the advancement of purebred dogs; are interested in being a part of the competitive community of conformation, performance and/or companion events; believe in training and education to further these causes; and enjoy volunteering with a community organization who puts all profits back into supporting these interests as well as various charitable organizations, then membership with the Montgomery Kennel Club may be for you.
Would you like to become a member of the Montgomery Kennel Club?

Why Join a Club? A different perspective..
Why join a club? I have heard people say “I am not going to join a club. They don’t do anything for me.”
So, that got me to thinking. Why do you join clubs? What are you expecting to gain from the club? What does your $25.00 dues get you?
Then I realized that this thinking is backwards. It should be “What can I do for this club?” Can I help with hospitality, programs, trophies, shows, fund raising or maybe education? Everyone has a talent or experience they can contribute
Over the years I have discovered that when you give, you actually receive. You receive a sense of satisfaction from contributing. You receive the joy of new friends. You receive knowledge from sharing information with others. You receive a sense of purpose. You receive an opportunity to show your dog.
It appears to me that many (certainly not all) of the younger generation are not much interested in joining a club and contributing but are more interested in showing their own dog. Maybe this is an extension of the “entitled” or “it is all about me” thinking that prevails. Without new members, new ideas, and new energy, clubs and dog related events will eventually cease to exist.